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Inner journeys


outer spaces

The name of this part comes from the amazing book that explores the journeys of psychonauts from all over the world, wanders in the teachings of ancient civilisation's wisdom and questions the origins of consciousness


Written by the leading researchers, Phds and scientist in the field of Psychedelic research, this book is a gem for the minds that can feel that there is more to what meets the eye.

If before my first time of experiencing the hyper space I was told that one day these mushrooms would make me wander about alien intelligences, exceptional human experiences and even find myself searching about the similarities between the religious teachings of the world, I would not believe.


Over the years, these experiences allowed me to open new doors of perceptions through which we can experience reality from different perspectives, hack senses to enhance our understanding and dive into the unconscious world of insights.


What's even more interesting and exciting is the fact that these experiences just go on and on and on and on and on....


All one realises is the deepness of the

Rabbit Hole

Below you can find the gateways into each of my self portraits that came through the inner journeys to outer spaces. You can either choose the portrait you wish to explore or start from the first one and follow the Cyber Rabbit (Reccomended to fully understand the story, icons can be found at the end of each page)

wanna explore  more?


Follow the 


There is Something Wrong

about this World


Water colours and ink on paper

21 X 30cm


September 2014




mushroom field


Water colours and ink on paper

41 X 31cm


May 2015


when we first met in the womb


Water colours and ink on paper

41 X31cm


January 2016


Have you ever retired a human by mistake?


Digitally painted on ProCreate

on Ipad -Pro



December 2016




Digitally painted on ProCreate

on Ipad -Pro



March 2017

2001, A Psychonaut's Odyssey

Digitally painted on ProCreate

on Ipad -Pro



April 2017


Dark Night of the Soul


Digitally painted on ProCreate

on Ipad -Pro



October 2017



Digitally painted on ProCreate

on Ipad -Pro



October 2019

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